Residents of Mathare

497,783 learners have not resumed classes: report

Some 242 adults and 73 children are reported to have died as a result of the floods and landslides.

  1. PREMIUM Inside Knut, Kuppet battle for 40,000 JSS teachers

    The 39,550 teachers would boost the membership of any union and also contribute significant amounts of money in monthly union dues.

    Nancy Macharia
  2. Scrap useless university courses, Ruto urges VCs

    President wants students taking STEM programmes to help grow the economy.

    President William Ruto
  3. Ministry of Education delays half-term break by a week

    Ministry cites delayed reopening of schools following heavy rains across the country.

  4. PREMIUM A day at school for Junior Secondary School learners

    Most learners go to school to read on their own since teachers are on strike.

    Lodwar Mixed Comprehensive and Integrated School
  5. TSC starts deploying 1,206 primary teachers to JSS

    Teachers with a Bachelor of Education (primary option) degree are excluded.

    TSC Building
  6. Female teachers sue TSC boss Macharia

    TSC CEO in the soup over Kewota deductions as teachers seek refunds.

    Nancy Macharia.
  7. Empty bellies, empty desks: The learning crisis in arid lands

    Feeding programme is the only hope for some learners and their families.

    School feeding programme
  8. Sick teachers: Half a million tutors’ medical covers in limbo

    Hundreds of teachers have been turned away from hospitals.

    Collins Oyuu
  9. Sh4.7 billion US windfall for Kenyan education

    The biggest beneficiary is the Kenya Primary Literacy Programme.

    Biden Ruto
  10. TSC now threatens to sack JSS teachers

    They have been given two weeks within which to respond, failure to which their contracts will be terminated.

    Junior Secondary School teachers
  11. Strike cripples learning in JSS

    Interns who were hired on one-year contracts are demanding better terms of employment.

    Junior Secondary School teachers
  12. PREMIUM KUCCPS placement: The dashed dreams

    Eighty-five percent of those who qualified for degree programmes opt to join university.

    Agnes Mercy Wahome
  13. Students shun degree for diploma courses in latest placement

    Public and private universities in Kenya remain under-enrolled for various programmes.

    Agnes Mercy Wahome
  14. PREMIUM TSC gets Sh13b for CBA and teachers' promotions

    TSC allocates Sh13 billion to implement collective bargaining agreement.

    Nancy Macharia
  15. State urged to look into issues raised by intern teachers

    Teachers' unions call on the government to find an amicable solution to the stalemate.

    JSS teachers
  16. State seeks Sh2.5bn for LPG for public schools

    The law requires payment of the anti-adulteration levy on all illuminating kerosene imported into the country for home use.

    President William Ruto
  17. PREMIUM Budget cuts set to cripple four varsities

    Four universities get zero allocation for their thousands of students.

    Moi University
  18. Kuppet wants legislators to help end protests by JSS teachers

    Junior Secondary School teachers say they will obey court orders by staying home.

    Junior Secondary School teachers
  19. School feeding funds dry up in budget

    Whereas the Kenya Kwanza government had promised to double beneficiaries, no money has been allocated in the next financial year.

    feeding programme
  20. ‘Ghost schools’ probe kicks off as MP denies playing a role

    Baringo North lawmaker has denied any knowledge of the schools

    Signboards schools
  21. It is chaos in ill-prepared schools as second term starts

    Hundreds of learners and their teachers in flood-hit areas were forced to seek refuge in other schools.

  22. PREMIUM Tough Term Two as ministry gives fresh safety directives to school heads

    Ministry of Education making plans to recover the two weeks lost due to the floods.

  23. PREMIUM From class to menial jobs: Sad tales of teachers who refused to go back to North Eastern

    ‘People are wondering why degree holders are now boda boda operators, but we must survive.’

    teachers tsc
  24. Machogu: Government to extend Term Two calendar

    Mr Machogu says the national exams scheduled for November will go ahead as planned.

    Schools opening
  25. PREMIUM Ruto school closure exposes class divide among Kenyan parents

    Academies roll out virtual classes after deferment of reopening dates.

  26. PREMIUM Government cuts budget for free learning, adds for TVETs

    Justification for the cut of the FPE and FDSE is that primary school education has been reduced to two classes.

    Pupils at Mboto Sunrise Primary School work on their competency-based curriculum assignment under a tree
  27. Race against time as colleges prepare to admit CBC learners

    Eldoret National Polytechnic has revamped its programmes to conform with competency-based education and training.

    Rift Valley Institute of Business Studies
  28. Kiama saga: Let’s revisit appointment formula

    Vice-chancellor Stephen Kiama has been thrust into fights as the university council makes relentless push to kick him out.

    Prof Stephen Kiama
  29. PREMIUM How State plans to recover ‘lost’ school days

    KCSE exams will not be affected by the reorganisation of the school calendar.