In this episode of "Speaking of Gen Z" hosted by Mitchelle Namasaka and Jackie Macharia, we delve into the cultural phenomenon of why Generation Z seems to be steering clear of the nightclub scene, unlike their millennial predecessors. Drawing from both personal anecdotes and research findings, Mitchelle and Jackie dissect the factors contributing to this shift in social preferences. From the influence of technology and social media to changing attitudes towards alcohol and nightlife, they explore how Gen Z's values and experiences differ from those of Millennials. Join them as they uncover the nuances of generational differences and offer insights into what this trend reveals about the evolving landscape of youth culture.

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WhatsApp Image 2023-03-11 at 12.07.02
Photo credit: Nation Media Group

Speaking of Gen Z brings you entertaining but meaningful conversations about a generation that is trying to navigate through adulthood. Join hosts Michelle, Jackie and Esther as they unravel all things Gen Z. Produced by Kevin Maina.