Every father needs seven types of friends in his life

The Bible says that he was Jesus’ relative. He is the brother who requested to have Jesus’ body so he could inter it in his new tomb.

What you need to know:

  • Bible scholars opine that Jesus and Peter were age mates. They were what you would call “ride-or-die” comrades.
  • Once you are caught between these two extremes, you will realise that the distance between amazing grace and eternal damnation are two outstretched holy arms.

His name was Joseph of Arimathea.

The Bible says that he was Jesus’ relative. He is the brother who requested to have Jesus’ body so he could inter it in his new tomb.

Every brother needs one real relative. Someone who is not there to cut him down, but cut him some serious slack.

In Hebrew, Joseph means, “he will add”. This kin brings courtesy to his kith’s issues. Joseph is not a fair-weather cousin. On the contrary, he is there when earthquakes and darkness engulf your world.

One soul brother

Bible scholars opine that Jesus and Peter were age mates. They were what you would call “ride-or-die” comrades.

Peter is an everyman. One minute, to defend you, he gives the fuzz “ear surgery” sans anesthesia. Same manic midnight he bails out on you. Uh-uh, he is not namby-pamby. You nicknamed him Rock. Remember?

Sometimes even the Rock of Gibraltar succumbs to the vagaries of the weather. Peter is blue chip, regardless. And you know it. That is why you hold nothing against him.

You have got an inner circle. Then you have got the soul mate. At your word, he will defy gravity and walk on water… even if for only three exhilarating seconds.

One guileful guy

Judas Iscariot. Byword for betrayer-in-chief. We have all got at least one in 12 in our posse. He may be your homie, but he is not your chummy. Why, “true and trustworthy” are nonexistent in his lexicon.

Judas. Virtuous handle. Popular name in Jesus’ time. In Hebrew, it is derived from Judah, meaning, “Praise Yahweh”. Besides, he was the disciples’ treasurer.

Saintly monikers and status symbols should not delude you. Your Judas has issues. Beneath that devout veneer are drawn daggers.

Like Christ, do not just call him out. Know also the difference between brotherly kisses and storm signals. Or else, after he is done, you will need the kiss of life.
One helpful gentleman

Help can come from the oddest of faces and places. Like Simon of Cyrenne. Aka Simon the Black. This guy was a black slave. When Christ was staggering with the cross, the centurions forced Simon to carry it.

God will lead you to stumble upon helpers when you are at a crossroads. Listen. Unimpressive CVs and humbling back-stories should not fool. In God’s scheme of things, your paths are crossing for righteous reasons. Simon needs second chances; you need “transport” to make your appointment.

This nondescript character may get a mere passing mention in your Bible. However, every good turn counts for tonnes and causes massive ripple effects.

Two damned rebels

Once you are caught between these two extremes, you will realise that the distance between amazing grace and eternal damnation are two outstretched holy arms.

This duo is a “good cop, bad cop” combo. One is pleading for God’s mercy. The latter is demeaning your royalty and reprieve. Do not take it personal. That is misdirected rage speaking.

You are sharing these accomplices’ public punishment, but not their destinies. While you are the master of yours, theirs hang in the balance. If only they knew what is up.

God has orchestrated it so you can give hope. So that, through your situation, folks can witness that even last-second turnaround can save any damned dude.

One condemnatory ruler

When you are in Rome, man, never do as they do. Instead, do what Christ did. Keep your faith.

“You have stated the fact.” That was my Lord’s answer when Pontius Pilate — Roman governor — asked the life-or-death question.

Fathers face situations where they either knuckle under or keep the faith. There is always some ruler involved. Guys may be controlled, (and condemned), by all sorts of Pilates. Peer pressure. Rat race. Weaknesses. Green-eyed monster.

In his darkest hour, Christ asked God that, if it was His will, to pass over the cup. But look what drinking it bought.

If it is God’s will then, Pontius, bring it on.

One righteous Redeemer

I have not put this at seven by fluke. Seven is the number of resurrection, Father’s perfection and spiritual completeness.

With this VVIP in your forecastle, you can sleep soundly in stormy seas… and dream ginormous dreams while you are at it. Disclaimer: He has not said that you will cruise through life absolutely stress-free, but he has promised that He will come through for you. Always.

Christ will never condemn or demean you. He is more than a relative: He is your (protector) big brother who will carry all your burdens.

Here is to an insightful Easter.