Why I am constantly striving to outdo myself

Damaris Muga is a graphic designer. She was a Face of Africa finalist in 1998. That is almost 20 years ago. PHOTO | COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • ‘I cannot say I am self-taught. This is because I have learnt a lot from people and friends, but I did not go to class for it, not once.’
  • I am not married, but I was once. At the moment I am riding solo. I love the idea of relationships, but I don’t know if it is the thing I want to get into now. Relationships have this ‘till death’ thing that we are supposed to find ideal, but you know what, I do not. It sounds fatal and too final.
  • I admire so many women, I am proud of the strides women have made and continue to make in a world that is thoroughly patriarchal. I have some of the most amazing, smart intelligent women I am honoured to call friends.

Who is Damaris Muga?

I like to think that I am just ME. I am complex, I am not easy to describe. I am many things.

You were Face of Africa finalist, why did you drop modelling?

I was Face of Africa in 1998. That is almost 20 years ago. You don’t drop modelling, modelling drops you. Modelling is not a career for life. And it can be such a bore. Just the modelling itself.

What were you doing before becoming a graphic designer?

I have done a lot of things to make money. I lived and worked in Europe a bit, I did a bit of modelling, I worked in bars, I have been a receptionist, I have done pretty much of what young people do to make money.

Can you tell us more about your design background?

It would be wrong to say I am self- taught. Because I have learnt from people and friends, but I did not go to a class for it, not once.

Where do you shop for your bags, shoes and clothes?

I do have this fashion blog that won an award called TOI MARKET. So it  goes without saying that most of my stuff is second hand from Toi Market and Gikomba.

What does being a graphic designer entail?

Basically you sit with the computer most of your days. But, in essence, a client wants something that will visually attract and appeal to their audience, so you think up how best to put that on paper or on the web.

Your company, Imagepro, was borne out of love for computers and fashion, tell us more.

My brother Elli lived in Europe and got back and needed to make money. We both like nice things, and we have a set of skills. So we create things and print them. 

What are your strengths?

I am very good at what I do. That is not always necessarily a good thing.

How do you unwind?

I moved to this new home that is literally by the Nairobi National Park. I wake up in the morning, get some coffee with a book and wait for sunrise.

What drives you?

Myself. I am constantly striving to outdo myself, I probably bore myself.

If you were to mentor women, what would you tell them?

You are enough.

What’s your favourite meal?

Matumbo and ugali, tilapia and ugali. Sukuma is mandatory with those meals.

What is your biggest design challenge?

Anything to do with coding.

What do you like doing?

If I am to be honest, I really do like sleeping. And basically just doing nothing, you know lazing by the beach or something.

What mantra do you live by?

Less is more.

What do you do for fun?

I love art! I really do love what is happening in the Kenyan contemporary art scene at the moment, so I go to art exhibitions.

Are you married?

I am not married, but I was once. At the moment I am riding solo. I love the idea of relationships, but I don’t know if it is the thing I want to get into now. Relationships have this ‘till death’ thing that we are supposed to find ideal, but you know what, I do not. It sounds fatal and too final.

What is your favourite colour?

I will like a colour depending on the mood I am in. Right now I like brown but I tend to avoid. Pink.

What car are you?

I am not a car. I am a motorbike, a lowrider.

Which woman do you admire most?

I admire so many women, I am proud of the strides women have made and continue to make in a world that is thoroughly patriarchal. I have some of the most amazing, smart intelligent women I am honoured to call friends.

What’s the one thing we don’t know about you?

I am a really really good cook, I make a risotto and my matumbo fry are legendary.

What is your favourite music?

The only music I do not listen to is heavy metal. My favourite music is the one on the mood board, I probably spend more time choosing music before I start working than the time I actually spend working.