Traits that all successful people have in common

Successful people are flexible and open to new experiences. They take measured risks, especially before they have a family. Always thinking deeply about the impact of their decisions, and then acting with confidence. ILLUSTRATION | IGAH

What you need to know:

  • Successful people are flexible and open to new experiences. They take measured risks, especially before they have a family. Always thinking deeply about the impact of their decisions, and then acting with confidence.
  • They understand the importance of relationships. So put your spouse first, because a successful marriage contributes over 90 per cent to your lifetime happiness.

Success isn’t like winning a lottery. It comes from doing a lot of simple things consistently and well.

Like people destined for success manage their time well. So set deadlines for everything you’re doing and stick to them. Avoid multitasking, and minimise interruptions as you work.

Successful people don’t put money above everything else. So find work that you’re truly passionate about, even if it doesn’t provide the biggest salary. Because loving your work brings real meaning into your life.

Successful people avoid debt. So only borrow money to make more, and not to pay for things you can’t afford. Repay loans as fast as possible.

Successful people save. So live simply, and let compound interest build your wealth!

Successful people never retire. So plan and eventually move into self employment, because that’s the only way you can control your retirement age! And make sure that your career respects grey hair, so you can go on working as long as you want.

Take good care of your health. Because as each year goes by that becomes harder. So develop healthy habits while you’re still young and stick to them for ever. Even just watching your weight, taking a little exercise, and cutting back on sugar can add years to your life.


Successful people don’t always win, but they always pick themselves up. Because failure is never the end of the world. And if you have the right attitudes, it can be a great teacher.

They don’t try to please everyone. You’ll meet lots of people you don’t like, or who don’t like you. That’s just completely inevitable. So stop trying so hard to be liked.

Successful people are flexible and open to new experiences. They take measured risks, especially before they have a family. Always thinking deeply about the impact of their decisions, and then acting with confidence.

They keep learning. Fancy degrees sound great on paper, but soon don’t count for much if you don’t go on learning. So always read as much as you can about your profession, and develop the skills that you can’t pick up from books. Like how to listen well, communicate brilliantly and have impact.

They understand the importance of relationships. So put your spouse first, because a successful marriage contributes over 90 per cent to your lifetime happiness. And stay in touch with former buddies. Because weak ties like that are often the ones that give you access to new networks and ideas.

They only associate with really good people, because you gradually become the company you keep.

They let things go. Because holding grudges makes you miserable. So forgive your parents, and don’t let any of the bad things that happened to you as a child hold you back.

Above all, they never allow their work to take over their personal lives. So be sure to spend enough time with your spouse and family. Because eventually you’ll realise that they are all that matters in life.