Take 5 with  Achieng Onguru

Achieng Onguru is a creative who has found joy in exploring various creative outlets and finding true happiness as she fulfils her passions. Her company, Sugar Rush, she says, is her path to true fulfilment. PHOTO| COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • I love to relax by reading. I’m naturally very curious and I want to know all kinds of stuff, so feeding my brain is one way that I do that.
  • Traveling too, which helps me think beyond my borders and grow my experiences.

1. Why the switch from ‘ad life’ to baking?

I’ve always really enjoyed being in the kitchen - baking for me is therapy. I wouldn’t say I’m no longer a creative though, that one can’t really leave you. It was a much needed break from the hectic ad life I’d grown accustomed to though. It was a chance to put things into perspective, fuel my passion and nurture my talents in many other areas, not just baking. I’d say that for now, I’m right where I need to be and happy to be building this business.


2. What is your favourite flavour of cupcakes?

You know, I used to think it was my vanilla ones, but I’ve realised that I really, really love these fruitcake cupcakes I’ve been making lately. They’re heaven! Please step into my kitchen!


3. Do you think there are too many people in the cake business?

There are many people making cakes, but not enough making cupcakes and I’m the self-proclaimed cupcake ambassador! I think it’s safe to say that I’ve really pushed the boundaries in the last couple of months, and I’m looking forward to doing a lot more exciting stuff in the future.


4. Do you taste all the stuff you make - and hence have to calorie count?

I do. I love tasting and experimenting with recipes for a while before I actually sell them. Also, my friends and family play a big role in that. They’ll give me a thumbs up or a thumbs down in advance, so we can perfect those recipes before anybody else

tastes them. Calorie count? No. But I am working on a healthier cupcake line, which is hard because I have to change many things, such as flour, making them gluten free, beetroot for colour, sugar, and lots more. But I am working on it!


5. What’s the weirdest flavour or design you have ever made?

I once made these red wine cupcakes - the combination had to be spot on and the buttercream to go with it had to be something that would create harmony for taste buds. Whiskeys and liqueurs are usually easy to bake with, but wine has such a distinct taste that one small blunder can ruin the whole thing!


6. When you’re not baking for kicks, how do you like to relax?

I love to relax by reading. I’m naturally very curious and I want to know all kinds of stuff, so feeding my brain is one way that I do that.

Traveling too, which helps me think beyond my borders and grow my experiences. And, music. How can I forget music? Most people’s memories of me are with huge headphones (that have to have proper sound) and my laptop. I live to discover new music.