ASK HR: Career motivation and contentment comes from within

I have been working for this company and feel that it is time to move on. I am however unmotivated to search for another job. PHOTO| FILE| NATION MEDIA GROUP

What you need to know:

  • Are your running away from ennui or pursuing a career goal that is beckoning you ahead? Is it the length of time you have worked for this company?
  • Besides financial reward, dynamics that shape considerations of career moves may among others include opportunities for growth; availability of challenge; a supportive supervisor; a conducive social climate; appreciation of your contribution and a sense of belonging.
  • Bear in mind that regardless of how exciting your future career experiences will be, you cannot outsource your motivation and contentment to your employer; these emanate from within, and the responsibility for fanning them is yours.

Q. I have been working for this company for seven years now, and feel that it is time to move on. I am however unmotivated to search for another job, mainly because I am quite comfortable where I am, even though my job is no longer challenging, and I constantly feel demotivated.

Advise me!

It is unclear which signal you are responding to by concluding that it is now time for you to move to another employer.

Are your running away from ennui or pursuing a career goal that is beckoning you ahead? Is it the length of time you have worked for this company? The passage of time alone does not suffice as a reliable impulse for making a career move. Whether you stay in an organisation for three or 23 years is not a crucial measure.

Neither a job for life nor a nomadic career is the silver bullet for career fulfillment; it is often more the availability of a varied menu of career experiences.

Besides financial reward, dynamics that shape considerations of career moves may among others include opportunities for growth; availability of challenge; a supportive supervisor; a conducive social climate; appreciation of your contribution and a sense of belonging. How do you view these issues in your workplace?

It might help to ponder on the following: Do you have a clear career goal? By when do you plan to achieve it? Which experiences do you need most for the professional and personal growth necessary for your next career move? Are there opportunities for other experiences in your current workplace that may be helpful in future? Have you sought additional challenges or responsibilities? Is there a challenge your organisation faces that you could help resolve? Are you making connections with internal and external stakeholders that could help with your future career moves? Have you considered engaging a career coach?

Bear in mind that regardless of how exciting your future career experiences will be, you cannot outsource your motivation and contentment to your employer; these emanate from within, and the responsibility for fanning them is yours.