President Uhuru Kenyatta takes voter listing campaign to Embu

President Uhuru Kenyatta addressing residents during a voter registration drive in Garissa town on January 24, 2017. He is expected to visit Embu County on January 25, 2017. PHOTO | JOSEPH KANYI | NATION MEDIA GROUP.

President Uhuru Kenyatta is expected to tour Embu County on Wednesday for a voter registration campaign.

He is expected to begin his visit at Kiritiri market in Mbeere South at noon then proceed to Siakago market in Mbeere North and later address a rally in Runyenjes constituency.

According to a tentative itinerary, the President will then visit Mutunduri shopping centre in Manyatta constituency before holding a final rally at the Embu stage near Maguna Andu Supermarket.

On Tuesday, Public Service, Youth and Gender Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki decried the low voter registration in Embu County and blamed it on prolonged infighting among county leaders.

She said the wrangles are discouraging new voters from registering.

The minister said only 18,000 voters had registered, against a target of 250,000.

Addressing county leaders at Kangaru, Ms Kariuki said Embu risked having a low bargaining power in the next government if it continued to register a low voter turnout.

“The numbers must go up if you want to be counted amongst those who matter. Right now we have less than 230,000 registered voters,” said Ms Kariuki.

She urged politicians to shelve their differences during the President's visit.