The irony of yesteryear victims turned racists

Through the mirror of history, the anti-black upsurge in Latin and Slavic Europe looks really odd. And it reinforces the myth that racism is a black-and-white phenomenon. But intra-white bigotry – pinheaded group phobia within the Caucasian race itself – has been equally hideous.

As an educated man, I am ashamed at the hecatomb in which Germany’s Herrenvolk recently buried six million Khazars. Native to Russia’s Volga valley, the Khazari are Turkic and, therefore, thoroughbred Caucasians.

But, in the eighth century AD, they committed a “crime” (against Christ) by converting en masse to Judaism. Subsequently – through a kind of historiographical alchemy and nanotechnology – their intelligentsia has successfully transformed Caucasian Jewry into “Semites”.

In this way, the Khazari identified themselves with Judas Iscariot. For Rome had created the myth of Judas precisely so as to transfer the whole crucifixion guilt from Pontius Pilate to the Jewish Sanhedrin — Judas being but the Greek rendition of the Hebrew name Yudah, “Jew” being the English corruption.

Thus, falsely accused of Deicide (“God-killing”), the Jew has paid a horrendous price. Yet Hitler borrowed the Herrenvolk idea directly from Semitic Jewry’s own self-appointment as a people “chosen by God” to ride roughshod over the Goyim (“Gentiles”), namely, the rest of mankind. But, in European historiography, a subtext has pinpointed such ethnic jingoism as “Germanic”, an adjective which refers to all the “barbarian” tribes which, in the mid-first millennium AD, poured south-westwards from the Baltic north to reduce Roman Europe to rubble.

This human debris caused by Ostrogoth, Visigoth, Vandal, Sicambrian, Suevi, Saxon, whatnot – collectively called Teuton – was what eventually gelled into the great nations England, France, Holland, Italy, Portugal and Spain – even if some later adopted Latin speech.

It was thus under this consanguinity that the Roman debris was gathered first into the feudal estate and then – catalysed by a Teutonic revolution called Reformation – into the Protestant-capitalist market.

The conquering Germanic northerners have since tended to regard with profound contempt the subdued natives of central, western, southern and eastern Europe — the Celt, Latino, Slav and Khazari Jew.

In Made In America, Bill Bryson describes how, in the US, a Teutonic monopoly called Congress made shamelessly unjust immigration and employment laws against ethnic Italians, Poles, Russians and Khazari.

People of northern European stock had arrogantly perched themselves atop the racial stockpile.

The Negro took the lowest rung. But the non-Germanic Caucasian was never too far above him. In his Autobiography, Malcolm X describes how, with flaring noses, certain ethnic Europeans nauseated one another out of New York City’s Harlem, until only scions of the black slaves remained.

Only a century ago, Teutonic Euro-American scientists hatched a plot called eugenics by which to create a gypsum-skinned “super-race” by eliminating all human beings carrying “inferior genes”. Yet blacks were not the only targets. Genetic “defectives” included all Latinos, Slavs, Jews and proletarians.

HG Wells – the brilliant English scientist who, with Jules Verne of France, had pioneered the literary genre called science fiction – dismissed all of these Caucasians as “dirty whites”.

The irony was complete. For, in our time, America’s Teutonic majority has voted a black man into the Sanctum Sanctorum of Caucasian power and England’s Teutonic establishment has named a black Ugandan as the Archbishop of York – the Anglican hierarchy’s third most powerful person.

How, then, is it that Italy, Spain, Ukraine and Russia – the very Latins and Slavs whom Teutonic Europe has always treated like racial lepers – are the countries where young people are now hurling the most fetid racial filth at black footballers?

“Whites” with a thin lacing of black blood – as Adolf Hitler and John Vorster are thought to have had – are often the most virulently anti-black. Similarly, what may have germinated in south-eastern Europe is the seed of a deep-seated inferiority complex planted by protracted Teutonic overlordship.