Paddy Migdoll: Memory of extraordinary horsewoman

Paddy Migdoll (right) makes a point to course commentator Tom Fraser (left) in a past horseracing meeting at Ngong Racecourse, Nairobi. She passed away early this year. PHOTO | COURTESY |

What you need to know:

  • Paddy found a personal niche in racing, prompting from the late Beryl Markham, a personal long-standing friend.

Without venturing through a lane of heavy statistics, we wish to profile Paddy Flora Mackenzie Migdoll, whose Planetary passport expired at age 93.10.

Nothing less than a colossal contributor to the world of equestrian sports in Kenya, earning Paddy and husband Micky a Life-time Achievement Award.

There was virtually no department untouched. Founder member of the Limuru Hunter Trials, organiser of 26 Charity Meetings at Tigoni, (pointedly those Boxing Day outings of fun), co-ordinator of Ngong Sponsorships, OBTS Committee Member, rallying successfully to import Scottish Military Bands, and well renowned overseas jockeys. You name it - Paddy made things happen.


Winner of several dog and horse show championships, Paddy soon found a personal niche in racing, prompting from the late Beryl Markham, a personal long-standing friend.

‘Age could not wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.’ Shakespeare said it all. A matchless journey that began in Rosshire, Scotland, Paddy’s immediate family passed away far too early on. Step parents introduced her to ponies which then escalated as a permanent fixation throughout.

Paddy would go to each corner of the globe just to find food for the horses. She and Micky rode in amateur races, from Thompson’s Falls to pretty much anywhere.

While exercising her horse, River Lane, in Karura Forest, he down-loaded her upon an eye-contacting leopard. One foot was caught in the stirrup, but River Lane just bolted three miles home, dragging Paddyat a rate of knots behind. Massive spinal injuries enforced a rest, causing Paddy to engage in professional embroidery, which covered about 20 pieces of furniture.

Returning to the saddle was no problem, except traffic began to rear its ugly head, limiting pleasures of nature.

Becoming a private trainer enveloped precious spare moments, as she still had to work at Esquire with Micky, in Nairobi’s Central Business District.

It is impossible to document every minute detail, but, having been given front-row seats at the Aga Khan’s inauguration and Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation, Paddy rated these two occasions as particularly poignant.

Paddy is survived by Capitano Mikeleli, Honourable Jooooolia, Maddie, Serena, Millie, Sas and Fiona.