Kenyan Muslims, Christians urged to stop intolerance

From left: Dr Ali Adan, Umma University Vice Chancellor Mohamed Karama, Tangaza University Vice Chancellor Stephen Mbugua and Father innocent Maganya. PHOTO | COURTESY

Kenyans Christians and Muslims have been urged to embrace one another and end religious intolerance.

Speaking at a two-day conference on Inter-religious dialogue between Muslim and Christian scholars at Tangaza University College in Karen, Bishop Miguel Guixot, Secretary of the Vatican-based Pontifical Council on Interreligious Dialogue, on Wednesday said the church was committed to promoting religious tolerance and harmony, which is key to global peace.

He called upon world leaders, both political and religious, to work together and build bridges.

“The spirit of dialogue and encounter is important for building bridges across different faiths. There is a need for all of us to come together as brothers and sisters to create a better world through collaboration as Pope Francis is urging us to do,” he said.

The bishop’s thoughts were echoed by Dr Ali Adan, the director of research, innovation and outreach at Ummah University, who appealed to Kenyans to join the initiative.

“We are not interested to look at the issue of theology, which book or group is right or good. We are more concerned with common good, which can be delivered through partnership in faith as brotherhood in humanity.”

Father Innocent Maganya, one of the organisers of the conference, expressed hope that by coming together, religious leaders can better shape the country and the continent.

“We live in interesting times where we see so many cases of religious intolerance and injustices. We as religious leaders have a big role to play through our partnership and collaboration within our institutions of higher learning to ensure the people we serve live justly,” he said.

The gathering of the scholars from the two religions came in the wake terrorism attacks associated with religious fundamentalism and intolerance in the region.

The Thursday meeting was convened by Ummah University in partnership with Tangaza University College.