Underarm Problems: Is my deodorant affecting my hand muscles?

Deodorants help reduce the smell, while antiperspirants block the sweat pores to minimise sweating. PHOTO | FOTOSEARCH

Dear Dr Flo,

I struggle with armpit odour. To deal with it, I use a deodorant or a roll-on each morning after my shower. Lately, whenever I use the deodorant or roll-on, I feel some discomfort in my hand muscles. I have been ignoring, but my thumbs have now been making clicking sounds. Please note that when I don’t use the antiperspirants, I am just fine. I have also tried out several brands unsuccessfully. Kindly advise on the alternatives of keeping the armpit odour free without side effects, since I work in a technical field that also involves sales and dealing with clients directly.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Regards, Richard

Dear Richard,

Armpit odour comes from sweat and bacteria. Deodorants help reduce the smell, while antiperspirants block the sweat pores to minimise sweating. Some products have both deodorant and antiperspirant. You may want to figure out which of the two is causing the side effects you are experiencing. Without using deodorant or antiperspirant, one recommended medical treatment is the use of botox injections to decrease sweating. Some ways to reduce armpit odour include wearing loose-fitting breathable fabrics like cotton and linen, shaving or waxing the armpit, showering frequently, and do not wear shirts or t-shirts without cleaning them. There are different recipes for homemade deodorants that work for some people, including using essential oils, apple cider vinegar, and baking soda. You can also add baking powder, washing soda, or vinegar while washing your clothes to get rid of the smell of sweat. However, don’t use baking soda and vinegar together because they neutralise each other.

Greetings Dr Flo,

What is the relationship between warts in men and the HPV virus? If one has warts, does this mean that they are at risk of developing cancer? Additionally, how are warts treated?


 Dear Elvis,

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the virus that causes the growth of warts. Warts can grow on any part of the body and also on mucous membranes. They are transmitted through skin to skin contact. Many times, the body clears the HPV infection before warts can develop. In other cases, once warts develop, most heal on their own over time. Some medications can be applied directly on warts e.g., podophyllin, imiquimod, trichloroacetic acid, and salicylic acid. In case warts don’t disappear with these treatments, they may be removed by cryotherapy, electrocautery, laser removal, or through surgery. There is evidence linking HPV with cervical cancer. HPV has also been associated with cancers of the vagina, vulva, anus, penis, mouth, and throat (oropharyngeal cancer). Very few people who have HPV or warts will get cancer, and HPV is usually not the only risk factor. The vaccines that are used to protect against the different strains of HPV are more likely to cause genital warts or cervical cancer.

Dear Doc,

Is it possible to make my nose slimmer without surgery? Thank you.


Dear Qassim,

To change the shape of your nose without surgery, there are two possible options. One of them is non-surgical rhinoplasty; this involves a plastic surgeon using injectable tissue fillers. The other way is by usingmake-upp, this could include; contouring, usingmake-upp wax and cover-up, or by reducing the space between the eyebrows. Different devices are marketed for changing the shape of your nose, for example, using nose shapers, clips, clamps, and lifters. These products are not recommended in the medical fraternity as they may cause damage to the nose structure. The only way to permanently change the shape of the nose is through plastic surgery.

Dear Doc,

I have been experiencing erectile dysfunction for the last few days, and I don’t see any changes so far. Please help. Joe

Dear Joe,

Having a problem with achieving an erection once in a while is not a cause of concern. You may have low libido, which means there is a decrease in desire for sexual activity, which can lead to a problem in achieving an erection. If it persists, it may be due to psychological issues that may be caused by excessive masturbation, relationship issues, not finding your partner attractive, performance anxiety, stress, anxiety, depression, and extreme fatigue. You may also have a physical problem that is affecting the quality of your erections, for instance, obesity, alcoholism, smoking, or other drugs and reduced testosterone levels.

If the problem persists, it would be advisable to get a review from a psychologist and a urologist. Also, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly, get adequate sleep, advisably seven to eight hours a day, avoid alcohol and cigarettes, and find a way to manage stress. You may also benefit from pelvic floor exercises: contract the pelvic muscles for about 10 seconds, 10 times in one set, six to 10 sets in a day. To identify the specific muscles, stop your urine mid-flow when you are urinating.


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