Here are the reasons why you should cut wheat from your diet

Here are the reasons why you should cut wheat from your diet

What you need to know:

  • When you mix flour and water, you get a glue-like substance that builds up in your gut

When you’ve not eaten wheat for a few months, it slowly gets cleared out and your digestion begins to get healthier.

I think I was sixteen when I had my first cigarette. I too, like many a teenager before me, dabbled in social smoking before I was bitten by the health bug. When I look back, I remember quite clearly where I was and I also remember that I wasn’t going to look like an amateur, coughing and spluttering all over the place, as I took my first drag.

While I was busy trying to smoke like a pro, I never questioned the reason why first-timers do cough and have issues inhaling. The answer is simpler than you might think: because you are trying to get your body to do something that it’s not meant to do. As human beings, we are simply not designed to breathe in smoke, which is essentially a poison. We are meant to breathe in fresh, oxygen-rich air and breathe out any by-products from that action, namely carbon dioxide, and any other impurities that may be in our lungs.

As you become a seasoned smoker, these natural instincts are overcome and your body gets used to what you are making it do – and, despite the warnings on the packets, you quickly forget that cigarettes are a poison and that, without mincing words, smoking will kill you. 

Why am I telling you this story? Because, for the vast majority of people, gluten – the key protein found in wheat – is a similar poison.

I’m not using the comparison with smoking for dramatic effect; rather to show you that the mechanisms in the body are much the same. 

When people quit smoking, they regularly report that food tastes better, their bowels move better, they have more energy and that they sleep better. Interestingly, these are the same benefits that are reported when someone goes gluten-free.

As the patients of mine report, when wheat is reintroduced into the diet, they feel terrible. It’s as if they’ve had a cigarette for the first time and the body is essentially trying to cough out the foreign invader.

When you mix flour and water, you get a glue-like substance that builds up in your gut. When you’ve not eaten wheat for a few months, it slowly gets cleared out and your digestion begins to get healthier. Add the wheat again, and the bloating will be terrible. Patients of mine also tell me that after a week back on wheat, their farts are pretty noxious too.

My advice? Dabble if you must, but keep it to a minimum. I promise you, your health really will just get better and better.