Do you know any of these lost children?


Whenever a stranger appears at the gate, these sad faces brighten up in anticipation, full of hope that the day has finally come for a family member or friend to claim them.

Children are jewels. That is why the society has been tasked with the responsibility of communally bringing them up based on values that will see them grow into responsible adults.

But, even though all hope for a glorious childhood, some get lost in the maze that is modern day life and find themselves in strange institutions that become their homes away from home.

DN2 visited two such centres in Kabete that host boys and girls that either got lost or were abandoned.

The reasons that sent them to these institutions vary from child to child, but there is a common thread of getting lost in the city streets, running away from cruel homes, neglect, child labour and outright abuse.

However, these little sullen faces can only stay in the homes temporarily. Their keepers hope that one day a family member or friend will walk through the gate and claim them.

That is why whenever a stranger appears at the gate, those sad faces brighten up in anticipation, full of hope that the day has finally come. Well, you can give them that break:

Kindly email this writer on [email protected]


Contact Ms Christine Ondieki from the Nairobi Children’s home in Kabete on 020-232-3780


Ms Caroline Towet at the Nairobi Children’s Remand Home on 0722-257-486.

To access both children’s homes, board Matatu No 118 at Khoja Stage and alight at Kapenguria Road, Nairobi.