High turnover of coaches bad for our beloved Stars

What you need to know:

  • When shall the present house ever see that the team is deteriorating under their stifling tinkering with the direction of the national side?
  • The much-touted friendlies that the team was to play seem to have been scaled down. We are taking on weaker sides so as to prop our faltering ego!
  • It is time the tired view of Joab Omino that: ‘coaches come, coaches go…’ was put to rest and a proper solution sought!

We now know that our football fathers like the process of looking for a ‘good coach’ for the national team.

As soon as they get one, they become restless with their hearts palpitating; they sweat seething with rage, they whisper to each other and in the end they commence the process of sabotage and disruption.

Where they cannot interfere, they intermeddle until the poor fellow just gives up, pack up his stuff and politely leaves them to their devices.

After that, they really become very happy. They look forward to ‘interviewing’ another coach. They even add on some weight to their frames; their skins glow and their eyes become sharper.

They promise to take Kenyan football to new heights and they make themselves look like saints while blaming the departed.

This vicious circle has continued for very long until we are so used to it. We shall now have cheap for some months until an outcry from stakeholders sends them defending Mr. Cheap.

As soon as that happens, we shall get a new coach and cheap and his ilk shall be embedded like vermin within the technical bench always ready to take over as soon as their masters give them the go ahead to scuttle the shaky boat.

All that has come to pass and coach Paul Put, the immediate former Harambee stars manager has already gone to Guinea in the same capacity but with room to work and peace of mind.

The man has earned respect in the continent and beyond due to his good results but he did not reckon with us. We are the country that like contra-Midas can turn anything we touch into smelliest dung.

We take this opportunity to apologise to Put since we are as sure as the Lord lives that he shall never get any apology from the football body called Football Kenya Federation.

If that happens, then something of a great evil may occur! We do hope the Belgian shall forget that an evil wind ever blew him to these shores. We also take this opportunity to apologise in advance any manager of stature that may be hired soon to take over the forlorn national football team even before he comes here.

The main gist of the argument is that we do not know and cannot tell if we shall ever have a coach that will stay long enough to put some philosophy and direction to Harambee stars.

The older generation still thinks fondly of Bernhard Zgoll and the late Reinhardt Fabisch who gave us some glimmer of hope that it is possible to rise from the dark gloom of incompetence!

When shall the present house ever see that the team is deteriorating under their stifling tinkering with the direction of the national side?

The much-touted friendlies that the team was to play seem to have been scaled down. We are taking on weaker sides so as to prop our faltering ego!

It is time the tired view of Joab Omino that: ‘coaches come, coaches go…’ was put to rest and a proper solution sought!